Friday, April 26, 2013

Workout Log (12)

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/25 at
Today’s workout focused on the upper body.  Like Monday and Tuesday, I warmed up on the recumbent bike at resistance 8.
Dips: -80# body weight x 8, 8, 8
Pull Ups: -95# (first 5reps of 1st set) -110# body weight x 8, 8, 5    [I drew a frowny face next to this one.]
Lat Raises: 10#x10, 10, 10
Triceps Push Downs: 60#X10, 10, 10
Cable Curls: 40#x10, 10, 10
Recumbent Bike: 15 minute intervals (3 mins resistance 8, 2 minutes resistance 3).  5 minute cool-down, resistance 1

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