Friday, April 19, 2013

Workout Log (6) & Recruiting Station

(Originally Posted on 2013/03/11 at
This morning I used the Rittr Labs apps to workout.
Push up sets: 11, 11, 13, 11, 11, 9 = 66
Sit up sets: 28, 26, 29, 28, 28, 26 = 165
Squat sets: 24, 23, 27, 24, 23, 19 = 140
Today I made my way down to the recruiting station to continue the paperwork process.  Turned in my “homework” of pre-screening questions to SSGT H and we went over it a bit.  I still need to track down my medical documents in case the Indianapolis MEPS did not send the local MEPS here my old, expired documents (which still could be helpful in terms of having records of the hospital where I had my ACL surgery done).
I had my height and weight recorded.  Apparently the standards are much more lenient pre-shipping than post-BCT.  At 150 lbs, I’m within the height weight limits for my age.  That’s fine and dandy, but I still plan on losing weight before shipping so I can guarantee I make weight and because I think I could really benefit from a little weight loss.  I also had my fingerprints taken.  That was new to me.  When I went through the process in 2008, the only time I did the fingerprints was at MEPS.  Apparently this is something new as of 3-4 years ago.
While SSGT H was recording my height and weight into the computer, he was talking out loud.  ”Height, five four.”  For some reason in my head, I was thinking, “That’s not right.  I’m 64 inches, not 54 inches.”  So I said something.  He just kind of looked at me for a second and then said, “Are you sure you’re going to do well on the test?”  God I hope so!  I told him I’d just let him do his job and then we both laughed.  At least he has a sense of humor.  I’m scheduled to take the ASVAB Tuesday the 19th.  I have to be at the recruiting station by 0730.  Which means I have to leave my house no later than 0630.  Should be a fun day… but at least I don’t have to go all the way to the MEPS (4-5 hrs from here) to take the ASVAB.  It’s only about 45 minutes from the recruiting station.  Guess who will be going to bed really early on the 18th…

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