Friday, April 19, 2013

Rest Day & Future Four Day Plans

(Originally Posted on 2013/02/26 at

Not only was today a rest day, it was also a ‘good news’ kind of day.  C asked if I’d want to spa it up in Vegas during the next four day.  My response?  ”Yes yes and more yes!”  Like he’d really need to ask.  I’m so excited now.  We haven’t done anything for a four day in a long time.  The same time that we’ll be there, his dad will be there for business but we’ll be able to meet up for dinner one night.  One of the days we’re there, we’ll spend shopping since we don’t get to do that very often.  Did I mention that I’m excited?
mapmyrun3Rest day or not, I still participated in physical activity.  Took Luna on a 4.18 mile walk which burned 261 calories.  It was a really nice day.  Slightly windy, 59°, sunny.  Luna enjoyed taking a route we haven’t done in quite a while.  She got to smell lots of different things.  Pee everywhere.  And see new people and furry critters.  She is now sleeping on the couch.  Mission accomplished.
Tomorrow I plan to lift heavy things and put them back down. Squats, press, and dead lifts. More on that tomorrow. Should be fun.

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