Friday, April 19, 2013

Workout Log (7)

(Originally Posted on 2013/03/17 at
For today’s workout I decided to go ahead and do another PT test.  C thinks I should start doing it once a week to see how I improve.  I’ll probably aim to do that since it will force me to run 2 miles more often than what I’ve been doing.  To pass the pt test, I need to get at least a 60 in each section giving me a score of 180.  But even though today’s score came out to be 189, since I failed the sit ups, I still failed the overall test.  Didn’t know that before but good to know.
mapmyrunI improved my push up score by two since the last time (28).  My sit ups decreased at 44 (I really need to just do sit ups every day).  And for my 2 mile run, I went to the track instead of running through the neighborhood.  I liked it because I was able to zone out and not worry about hills or crossing streets.  I’m glad that my run did improve (mostly because I didn’t have to deal with the incline and hills that I have to deal with on my normal route.  I lost track of how many laps I completed and went a little over 2 miles.  I completed my 2 mile at 19:28.  That’s 3 minutes off from the last test!
The rest of the day I’ll spend studying for the ASVAB.  I take it on Tuesday so I’m hoping that I’m as prepared as I can possibly be.  Wish me luck!  I’m not completely sure what MOS I want but once I know my scores, I should have a better idea as to what jobs I qualify for and taking time to learn about the ones that interest me the most.

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