Friday, April 19, 2013

Workout Log (3)

(Originally Posted on 2013/02/25 at

MapMyRun has an interesting feature called “Live”.  It allows you to have people track your walk, run, hike, whatever while you’re doing it.  I’ve had it set to be on and off on various workouts with seemingly no one tracking.  When I went on my run, I didn’t notice whether or not the setting was on.  I decided since I was sans dog, I would listen to Pandora.  With my ear-buds in, I thought I heard someone saying my name but I shrugged it off since I don’t know anyone in that part of the neighborhood.
mapmyrun2On my way back after doing about 1.7 miles, I saw in a distance an older woman waiting outside.  Again, I shrugged it off.  Until she turned toward me as I got closer and started clapping.  Cool.  A nice lady that likes to cheer on random, struggling runners.  So I politely thanked her.  But then she spoke.  ”Are you (insert my name)?”  Okay… this is weird.  ”Yeah.”  Then she goes, “I’m tracking you!”  And holds up her phone.  I kinda laughed and kept running.  I still cannot decide if this is funny or kind of creepy.
I don’t know what it was but I moved slower than the last time I did the 2 mile.  I don’t really care that it took me 22:16 to complete.  The fact of the matter is that I did complete it.  I went out and ran and I’m glad I did.
After finishing my run, I walked a bit before going home to cool down.  Then it was the dog’s turn.  Together we walked about 1.6 miles.  In total today with walk and walk/run I burned about 350 calories.

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