Friday, April 19, 2013

ASVAB - General Science

(Originally Posted on 2013/03/17 at
I’m a visual/hands-on learner.  So while reading through the General Science section of the ASVAB For Dummies (AFD) book, I decided to look up the charts about what I was reading about.  There is way too much to memorize in the subject that even though I hope to do well so that I can get a MOS that I would enjoy, I’m not all that worried.  I’m hoping a lot of it comes back to me when taking the test.  And if not, then I’ll be making a lot of educated guesses!
Types of Clouds
Types of Clouds
Layers of the Earth
Layers of the Earth
Animal Cell
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Plant Cell
Scientific Method
Scientific Method
Classification of a Grizzly bear using Linnaeus's System of Classification
Classification of a Grizzly bear using Linnaeus’s System of Classification
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species = King Phillip Came Over For Great Spaghetti
According to the AFD book, you need to know these three units of measurement (hooray for the metric system):meter (m) is the unit of length, liter (L) is the unit of volume, and gram (g) is the unit of mass.

temperature_convI know I learned how to convert temperatures from one scale to another but I saw the formulas and barely recognized them.  Another thing the AFD book says to commit to memory. So here you go:
To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit:
F= 9/5C + 32
To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius:
C= 5/9(F-32)
And I’m really hoping there’s nothing on the Kelvin scale but here it is anyway:
K= C + 273.15
To go from kelvins to Celsius, subtract 273.15 from the kelvin temperature.  (I don’t think I’ll be memorizing this before Tuesday!)
I should be able to make educated guesses on a  lot of the other parts of this subtest.  A lot has to do with vocab and root words.  And a lot of it is common knowledge.  There’s also a lot more to this chapter in the AFD book but this is what I felt I needed to see visually.
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