Friday, April 26, 2013

Workout Log (11)

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/23 at
This morning I weighed myself at 145.8!  Helloooo 145.  Well, basically 146.  But it has been a while since I even last saw that number.  Doesn’t seem like much but a few changes have made a difference.  Eating better and being more active.  And so far so good.
Today’s workout was lower body.  As mentioned in Workout Log (10), I followed the same routine but for Tuesday.  First I warmed up for 5 minutes on the recumbent bike at resistance 8.
Barbell Squat: (45#x 8 warm-up) 65#x8, 8, 8
Stiff-Legged Dead Lift: 65#x8, 8, 8
Leg Extensions: 50#x8, 8, 8    [This piece of equipment had a sticker that said "Start 4 lbs"... not sure if that means I add 4# to my weight for the total or not.  If anyone knows, please leave a comment so I know for future reference.  The seated calf raise was the same but with 60# start.]
Lying Leg Curls: 30#x8, 9, 9
Standing Calf Raises (did seated today): 20#x12, 12, 12   [+60#??]
Lying Leg Raises: 12, 12, 12
Exercise Ball Crunches: 15, 15, 15
I finished with 10 minutes on the recumbent bike alternating between resistance 8 and 3 with a 5 minute cool-down at resistance 1.
We took longer on our walk because I ran into one of my friends walking her baby and dog.  It was nice catching up.  The weather was nice for the walk.  Sunny, slight wind but warm.


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