Friday, April 19, 2013

Third Time's A Charm... Hopefully!

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/15 at
As it stands, I may be taking the ASVAB tomorrow morning.  Eep!  That is, if I’m on the MEPS roster.  SSgt H and his 1Sgt were not able to get a hold of MEPS to verify that I am in fact on the roster.  It does show in their own system that I am projected to test.  The only reason I am planning on making the drive out tomorrow morning is because SSgt H explained that they found three accounts with my name.  They deleted two and used the remaining to project me for the test.  Also, he thinks that there may be something to do with the fact that the first time I processed, I used my maiden name and this time my married name, all with the same social security number.  He said he has never seen someone have as much trouble to test as I have.  Fabulous, right?  Lucky me.
I spoke with a lady at my former doctor’s office regarding the medical documents that I have been waiting on.  They sent the request out to an outside doctor that has the files but they saw that the request was still pending.  I asked specifically if they’d be able to send the documents concerning my ACL surgery from 2004 over to the recruiting station if/when they find it and she said they could.  So hopefully the recruiting station will receive the faxed documents tomorrow and that part can proceed (hopefully) without issue once it comes time to me going to MEPS for the physical.

I recently went for two 2 mile runs.  I suppose the first one was short of 2 miles, and admittedly not really so much of a run than a walk/run.  I had Luna with me for that one.  Yesterday’s run I did sans dog.  Barely made my time much better, though.  For some reason, the neighborhood runs just kill me.  And I’m still breaking in new shoes that give my pain in my shins and calves + the hills.
Prior to the run on the 14th, I did the Rittr Labs apps for push ups and sit ups.
Push up sets: 11, 11, 13, 11, 11, 9 = 66
Sit up sets: 28, 26, 29, 28, 28, 26 = 165
I was pretty close to muscle failure on the push ups.  And my chest is sore from them.  Today I took Luna for a .8 mile walk around the neighborhood in the gusting winds.  Not really worth posting the MapMyRun image.  Anyway, I need to end this post so that I can get to bed at a decent time.

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