Friday, April 19, 2013

Better To Be Prepared

(Originally Posted on 2013/02/23 at

Today I’m sore from yesterday’s push ups and running the past two days.  It’s funny, perhaps it’s a combination of these things, but I feel that running is toning my legs much more than squatting with 95 lbs.  When I told my husband [C] this, he said, “Don’t let Rip [Mark Rippetoe] hear you say that!”  Well, in all fairness, when I run, I’m carrying much more weight than when I squat with 95 lbs fairly stationary.  Maybe once I advance in weight for squats, and once I become better accustomed to running, I will see it the other way.

Anyway, I’m debating going for a run today or just taking my dog and the dog I’m watching for the day on a long walk (about 4-5 miles).  I’m thinking the latter just to give my knees a break.  Even though I take short strides, running is after all high impact and I don’t want to overdo it too quickly.  Like I said before, I haven’t been running consistently in the past.
Here’s an interesting article that breaks down what happens to your body during a run.  Thought I’d pass it on to my readers.  If you’re struggling with your runs, keep pushing.  It’ll get better in time.  This is both a self-reminder and one to all of you!  And if you’re interested, here’s another one that goes more into dopamine.

Truth be told, I’ve been horribly slacking on studying for the ASVAB.  I know, I know!  Putting it off will get me nowhere except maybe a MOS I don’t want.  I was always the put-it-off-til-the-last-minute type of student.  Cramming just adds unnecessary stress and I won’t remember half the stuff immediately after taking the ASVAB if that’s how I go about things.

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