Friday, April 19, 2013

New Month, New Instagram Account

(Originally Posted on 2013/03/01 at

Today I didn’t do much of anything.  It’s the last day of rotation so I’ll have my husband back soon (probably not until after midnight, though).  I was able to keep the back door open since the weather was so nice.  Took Luna for a 2 mile walk after 1700 and it was still quite warm.  It was a nice leisurely walk, so doesn’t really count as a workout.  Burned about 143 calories.
I should have done sit ups and maybe push ups.  But I’m fairly tired now.  I should probably come up with an actual plan so I know what I’ll be doing from day to day.  Early last year, I was doing the workouts in Jamie Eason’s LiveFit plan.  I wasn’t following the food plan, just the exercises.  It was fun at first.  Maybe I’ll start going back to the gym and give this a try.  I think I had issues because I was working out with girls that were well below my strength/endurance level and they didn’t have the same goals as I did.
instagram_indianajane87Decided to start an Instagram account to document my journey further.  Feel free to follow me there.  Each quote picture has the corresponding blog post linked to it.  Hopefully I’ll have pictures that are more interesting than just quotes.  Like a picture of me swearing in!  A girl can dream.

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