Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Workout Log (13)

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/27 at
Friday’s workout: Lower Body
Recumbent Bike warm-up: 5 minutes, 8 resistance
Dead Lift: 65#x12, 12, 12
Leg Press: [Start 60#] +20#x10, 10, 10
Dumbbell Lunges: 15#x12, 12, 12
Seated Calf Raises: [Start 60#] +25#x12, 12, 12
Dumbbell Shrugs: 15#x12, 12, 12
Decline Crunches: 15, 15, 15
Hyperextensions (replaced with Good Mornings): 45#x 10, 10, 10
This concludes week 1 of Jamie Eason’s Female Fitness Bible workout.
I love how empty the weight room is at one of the gyms between 0900 – 1100.  They’ve designated that time for women only.  And I am one of the few women that go during those hours that uses the weight room instead of living in the cardio room.  It’s awesome.  Don’t have to wait for equipment to open up.
Screenshot_2013-04-26-12-43-30After the gym, I grabbed Luna and met up with a friend, her boxer and baby for a walk.  It was nice having someone to talk to for a change.  It was pretty hot and I didn’t realize until later that day that I had gotten a nice pink hue to my face.

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