Wednesday, May 1, 2013

30th Post, Yet The Beginning

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/28 at
Happy 30th post to me!  I’m proud of myself for keeping up with this thing.  This post is the beginning of tracking my goals.  I’ve been a member on since Jan. 2012 but it’s been over a year since I used it, other than for Jamie Eason’s workouts.  So before breakfast, I had C help me take my measurements so I could log them into the website and keep an accurate record of my progress.
progress1According to, I am considered “obese.”  My body fat percentage is 34% after using the body fat calculator on 550 Cord website.  Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (sarcasm).  I can’t help but be skeptical but I’m also motivated.  I’ll accept this and use this as a catalyst to change how I am.
C and I are challenging ourselves to eat paleo for a month.  If we can stay on track, this should help me see progress.  After all, “abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.”

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