Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Workout Log (15)

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/30 at
Tuesday – Lower Body
Recumbent Bike: 5 minutes, resistance 8
Barbell Squat: 45#x8 Warm-Up, 75#x8, 8, 8
Stiff Legged DL: 65#x8, 8, 8
Leg Extensions: [Start 4#] +50#x8, 8, 8
Lying Leg Curls: 30#x8, 8, 8
Standing Seated Calf Raises: [Start 60#] +25#x12, 12, 12
Lying Leg Raises: 15, 13, 13
Exercise Ball Crunches: 15, 15, 15
Recumbent Bike: 5 min, 5 resistance; 5 min, 8 resistance; Cool-Down: 5 min, 1 resistance
Walked Luna.  Would have gone longer but it was hot and she has an ear ache so I didn’t want to strain her too much.


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