Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Workout Log (15)

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/30 at
Tuesday – Lower Body
Recumbent Bike: 5 minutes, resistance 8
Barbell Squat: 45#x8 Warm-Up, 75#x8, 8, 8
Stiff Legged DL: 65#x8, 8, 8
Leg Extensions: [Start 4#] +50#x8, 8, 8
Lying Leg Curls: 30#x8, 8, 8
Standing Seated Calf Raises: [Start 60#] +25#x12, 12, 12
Lying Leg Raises: 15, 13, 13
Exercise Ball Crunches: 15, 15, 15
Recumbent Bike: 5 min, 5 resistance; 5 min, 8 resistance; Cool-Down: 5 min, 1 resistance
Walked Luna.  Would have gone longer but it was hot and she has an ear ache so I didn’t want to strain her too much.


Workout Log (14)

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/29 at
Monday: Upper Body
Recumbent Bike Warm-Up: 5 minutes, resistance  8
Bench Press: 50#x12, 12, 12
Bent Over Barbell Row: 40#x12, 12, 12
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 15#10, 10, 10
Skull Crushers: 30#x10, 10, 10
Barbell Curl: 30#x10, 10, 10
Recumbent Bike: 15 minute intervals of 8 and 3 resistance, first 5 minutes were 4 minutes resistance 8, 1 minute resistance 3 and remaining 10 minutes were 3 minutes resistance 8, 2 minutes resistance 3.
Recumbent Bike Cool-Down: 5 minutes, resistance 1
When I was in the weight room, I noticed another girl doing similar workouts to what I was going to be doing for the day.  I glanced over a couple times as she went on to each new exercise and could guess what she would do next, accurately.  When I was going over to the rack with the dumbbells, I said to her that I believed we were doing the exact same workout.  She said she found it on and I asked if it was Jamie Eason.  She said it could be but I knew it had to be.  Thought that was pretty funny.
In the evening, I took Luna for a 1 mile walk to grab the mail from the mailbox.  It’s starting to get pretty hot out here.  Should be fun once it hits full-on summer.  It’s almost 2100 and it is 89°F out right now.  Feels like an oven outside every time I open the door.

30th Post, Yet The Beginning

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/28 at
Happy 30th post to me!  I’m proud of myself for keeping up with this thing.  This post is the beginning of tracking my goals.  I’ve been a member on since Jan. 2012 but it’s been over a year since I used it, other than for Jamie Eason’s workouts.  So before breakfast, I had C help me take my measurements so I could log them into the website and keep an accurate record of my progress.
progress1According to, I am considered “obese.”  My body fat percentage is 34% after using the body fat calculator on 550 Cord website.  Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (sarcasm).  I can’t help but be skeptical but I’m also motivated.  I’ll accept this and use this as a catalyst to change how I am.
C and I are challenging ourselves to eat paleo for a month.  If we can stay on track, this should help me see progress.  After all, “abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.”

Workout Log (13)

(Originally Posted on 2013/04/27 at
Friday’s workout: Lower Body
Recumbent Bike warm-up: 5 minutes, 8 resistance
Dead Lift: 65#x12, 12, 12
Leg Press: [Start 60#] +20#x10, 10, 10
Dumbbell Lunges: 15#x12, 12, 12
Seated Calf Raises: [Start 60#] +25#x12, 12, 12
Dumbbell Shrugs: 15#x12, 12, 12
Decline Crunches: 15, 15, 15
Hyperextensions (replaced with Good Mornings): 45#x 10, 10, 10
This concludes week 1 of Jamie Eason’s Female Fitness Bible workout.
I love how empty the weight room is at one of the gyms between 0900 – 1100.  They’ve designated that time for women only.  And I am one of the few women that go during those hours that uses the weight room instead of living in the cardio room.  It’s awesome.  Don’t have to wait for equipment to open up.
Screenshot_2013-04-26-12-43-30After the gym, I grabbed Luna and met up with a friend, her boxer and baby for a walk.  It was nice having someone to talk to for a change.  It was pretty hot and I didn’t realize until later that day that I had gotten a nice pink hue to my face.